Job Opportunity in Turkey

By Unknown - August 24, 2018

Job Opportunity in Turkey

 Today I sent my list some international opportunities. (Subscribe on Ready? First, with the most exciting news. Are you an early stage entrepreneur with a functional product? We partnered with Start-Up Chile, and I will also be one of the judges for their Seed Program. Here is your chance to get accelerated in Chile, and get: ✓ Equity free money ✓ Accelerations & 6 month experience ✓ One year working visa and up to $300,000 USD in perks Apply here before September 4th: Second, one of our long time Entreprenergy supporters and members, Houssam Shbeeb, MBA, CAPM established his company in Turkey, and he is helping entrepreneurs scale to reach the market there, and he also has some interesting news about investing in real estate. Prepare your questions and join our interactive live chat on Entreprenergy Page this Saturday at 3pm, so make sure you like the page and turn on the notifications. If you want a reminder, join our NO CHAT WhatsApp group, and I will send a notification when we start. Enjoy the opportunities. 

Do not forget to follow our blog and
Christiane Mouawad on linked in here to stay updated with the latest job offer 

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