Georges asked me how do you make money from home?
Thank you for your question Georges, hope you are reading this, let me answered you here as i mentioned that in my email. And best of luck with your work. Do note that i offer design services that might help you establishing the company, do visit my website here!
So first, you have options, if you are specialized and have a degree in a certain major that it allowed you to work from home, than you can do that.
An example for such a degree, graphic design, this major allow all the designers to work as a freelance, but not all love that, some love to be safe so they search for a stable job at a company.
Second option, if your major doesn't allow you to work from home, MAKE IT SO!
What does that mean?
For instance if you work as a business man, you can start advertise your services online.You can do that by hiring any designer . Believe me, many out their will be searching for you! The first step is very hard ALWAYS IT IS. But you will end up having your own office at the end :)
As a start you can do the meetings on Skype, or coffeehouse.
Like so you have a created out of the full time job a freelance one.
Another opinion
to me is very hard for some, which is for instance creating something that might be a need or you will make it a need for the market as a mobile application, or a product... and that will bring you a huge bulk of money !!
So, Georges, i advise you to take 2 days off, think about what you really want, maybe you can't do that now, it is risky!! you have fees to pay. You can keep your daily job, and try to do something- create something after you working hours!
That would be a good idea :)
I wish you the best,
keep in touch :D
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