Job Opportunity in Lebanon
- Title Anesthesiologist
- Academic Title Assistant / Associate Professor
- Department Anesthesiology
- Dead line November 30, 2018
Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine at the American
University of Beirut is seeking full-time Anesthesiologists with
interest in research, education and clinical care with particular focus
on cardiovascular anesthesia and critical care. The position offered is
at the rank of Assistant/Associate Professor. Candidates should be
eligible for American board certification or equivalent.
Responsibilities will include both primary and supervisory roles in anesthesiology and perioperative care.
Salary is commensurate with years of experience and rank.
Applicants should submit
electronically: curriculum vitae, the names and addresses of four
references, a summary of their accomplishment in the areas of clinical
scholarly activities, teaching and research; and future plans. All
requested documents should be forwarded to Dr. Marie Maroun-Aouad,
Interim Chairperson of Department of Anesthesiology.
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