Organizational Culture is its Soul!

By Unknown - September 26, 2018

Organizational Culture is its Soul!

Over the years, as a consultant, I have realized that: Understanding the culture of an organization is paramount to designing a successful strategy.
So many initiatives and resources fail miserable because the solutions, although they may seem great, did not find a fit to the organization. Consultants or the management put their minds and resources to get to the bottom of an issue, and come up with a solution that directly addresses the problem. However, any solution that does not take organizational culture into consideration will fall flat on the doormat.
Because, if the Brand is the face of an organization, then its Culture is its soul! Oftentimes, there is a gross mismatch between the two.
Few years back, a fairly successful business enterprise wanted to expand and increase revenue. The solution included systems and processes that needed delegation. The problem was, the man at the helm did not want to give up control. We had to explain that the business can only expand proportionate to his abilities. Once that hurdle was tackled then everything became smooth.
Organizational culture affects, first and foremost, its employees, then the customers, and its bottom line.
Having or developing the right culture will determine the future of an organization!
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