3 Things Successful People Do By Summer's End To Prime Their Careers For Fall

By Unknown - September 06, 2018

3 Things Successful People Do By Summer's End To Prime Their Careers For Fall 

The end of summer can be relatively quiet. Many people take vacation, knowing that it is the last hurrah before the craziness of the fall schedule starts, when it can be difficult to take time for yourself. Take advantage of the lull, and put yourself first. Here are three things to get your career on track for fall:
1. Clean out physically and mentally.
To feel mentally in order, put things in physical order. According to a study by the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, stress increases in women who feel their space is cluttered. Organization can help reduce stress and improve productivity, among other things. Looking at a myriad of things that you know you have to get to can make it difficult for your brain to efficiently and effectively process information. And you save time because you know where to find things.
Get rid of the distraction, and allow your mind to focus. Clean out your workspace, sort through papers and clean out your e-mail inbox. Clear your space to clear your mind.
2. Think about your goals.
After you have sorted out your space and mind and tackled what you have been meaning to do, then you can look to the future and think about what you want to do. Successful people are disciplined about carving out time to think. Allow yourself some “me time,” and let your mind explore what it is you want to achieve.
In order to execute on your goals and your career advancement, you have to think about it. You have to make some intentional moves to get to where you want to go and that requires thought. Staying on autopilot will get you nowhere fast. 

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