Eight Ways Small Business Owners Can Take A Moment To Recharge

By Unknown - September 06, 2018

 Eight Ways Small Business Owners Can Take A Moment To Recharge 

As a small business owner, you are the captain, someone ultimately responsible for nearly everything about your company. This means that as the chaos of everyday operations begin to get overwhelming, it can be difficult to find the time you need to step away and recharge your batteries.
Staying mentally fresh is vital: You want to make the best possible decisions for your company, and fatigue and stress can hinder your abilities. Below, eight members of YEC Next discuss some of the ways small business owners can recharge when they can’t afford the time to step away for a vacation. Here’s what they had to say: 
1. Take A Day For Solitude
It is of huge value to try to find a place of solitude away from the city and connectivity, at least for a while. In Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness, they tout the importance of rest to avoid burnout, and why a walk in nature is ideal. Esteemed philosopher Henry David Thoreau said: “Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow." It might be a campground nearby (there are typically small ones even near large cities). At a minimum, you can find a park where you can escape for a day. Personally, I have friends who live on a nearby farm. I often escape for a few days there. Their painfully slow or nonexistent internet connection can be a blessing, as it forces me to step away from work. Bottom line is you need to get creative with your rest. - Ryan Meghdies, Tastic Marketing Inc.
2. Unplug To Recharge
In today's professional world, being plugged in to stay in the game can take its toll on your health. High stress levels may trigger anxiety, fatigue, memory loss and head fog. Your doctor may recommend a vacation. However, many business owners simply can't afford to take time off. The solution: Miracle Mornings, developed by Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM). This minor tweak in your daily routine can be life-changing. Go to sleep and wake up one to two hours earlier than usual, and follow the S.A.V.E.R.S method in this order: Silence — meditate. Affirmations — speak and listen to positive affirmations. Visualizations — daydream about your future and your ideal self. Exercise — just do it. Read — invest in something educational. Scribe — write a gratitude journal or a to-do list. You'll thank yourself. - Turath D'hont, San Diego Moving Company
3. Opt For Mandated Weekly Downtime
I know business owners who don't ever vacation, which is not healthy. You truly need to turn it all off for an extended period of time to refresh the brain. But for those who don't vacation, they should mandate a set amount of downtime weekly in order to recharge. I do this religiously every Wednesday evening, unless I am traveling on business. My thing is either a hike in the woods, a three-hour motorcycle ride, or just a long drive with music. This downtime — typically five-six hours every Wednesday (sometimes well into the evening) — is part of my weekly time management. Without downtime, success is difficult to achieve. People who say they can't create downtime simply don't know how to properly manage their time. - Ron Lieback, ContentMender 

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