How A Series Of Unfulfilling Jobs Turned This Woman Into An Expert On Career Changes

By Unknown - September 09, 2018

How A Series Of Unfulfilling Jobs Turned This Woman Into An Expert On Career Changes 

Belma McCaffrey’s story starts off oddly familiar. In 2005, she graduated from college and started her first job working in media, an industry she was over-the-moon excited to enter and begin her career in.
Yet a few months into working at the company, after putting in the hours and learning how to manage expectations, she started to feel disconnected from the work.
“I thought that maybe I just needed a change,” McCaffrey said about her life in 2005. “Soon, I moved on to the next opportunity. I was checking off all the right boxes, and I kept doing the right things, but seven years into my career, I lacked confidence and felt burnt out and without a purpose.”
So, what did McCaffrey do? She went to graduate school, thinking and hoping she’d find a solution while pushing her way through business school.
A few months in, McCaffrey began to notice that people approached the whole “career thing” wrong. They are told to network, polish up their resumes, create ideal company lists, without asking or answering the bigger questions as to what they really want. 

That realization huffed and puffed a desire inside of McCaffrey to do something to fix this problem for people. A few years later, she started Work Bigger, a company that helps people radically change their career transition experience from one that’s stressful to one that’s empowering.
McCaffrey shared with me the reason she decided to start her company and take on the mission of helping others find a career path that they adore.
Jen Glantz: What made you want to start Work Bigger?
Belma McCaffrey: I spent all of my twenties with a lot of drive but felt frustrated feeling disconnected from my work. At business school, I felt like people were experiencing the same pain points. They were looking at graduate school as a way to “do-over” their careers. Once I saw that so many people my age were going through the same experience, I became obsessed with trying to solve this problem.
Glantz: Don’t you think we’re set up for disaster going to college at 18 and having to choose a major and a direction for our career?
McCaffrey: The problem stems from our education. We’re not told to ask the big questions like, “What do I want to do with my life?”, “What are my values?”, “What do I care about?”, or “What are the experiences I want to have?” We are on autopilot, picking up things our family and friends are telling us to do. We are never challenged on our thinking until we hit a breaking point.
Glantz: Where does a person start when they don’t know what they want to do with their lives?
McCaffrey: When we’re in the place of thinking, “I don’t know what I want to do and have to rush to figure it out,” that’s an insane amount of pressure to put on ourselves. The answer isn’t going to come that way. The answer will reveal itself when we have certain experiences. We need to look for joy in the things we’re doing so that we can begin to recognize what type of industry, career, or job we most want to pursue. Find the small pockets of joy in your day and give into those and see how those can expand.
Glantz: How do you open up to friends and family and tell them you want to quit your career and start something new if that’s so out of character for you?
McCaffrey: The biggest thing to do is lean on your intuition and detach from your ego driven voice that makes you think that if you take a big risk the people around you will reject you.
Glantz: Let’s talk about the money. People might feel like they can’t change jobs or careers because they are scared of losing money?
McCaffrey: You have to want to make it work. Let yourself feel the panic. When you’re in the position of “I can’t quit my job because of my responsibilities or my family” think what else is underneath all of that. Is there another fear that’s holding you back? If it’s just about the fear of not making money, you will find a way to make money to pay your bills.
Glantz: What’s the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?
McCaffrey: One of my bosses once told me to turn every negative into a positive. I was blown away by that and the power of thinking like that when situations pop-up that are challenging. 

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