Job Opportunity in Lebanon

By Unknown - September 24, 2018

Job Opportunity in Lebanon 


Title: Faculty Position in Language Testing/Assessment
Academic Title: Assistant Professor (tenure-track)
Department: English

The Department of English at the American University of Beirut invites applications for a tenure-track position in English Language Testing at the assistant professor level to begin August 15, 2019.

The successful candidate will be expected to offer undergraduate and graduate courses in their area of expertise and contribute to curriculum development in the department’s Language program and assessment. They will have a 50% service commitment to manage the delivery of quality English language assessment and contribute to the review of English language proficiency standards and requirements. This will be done in collaboration with the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) and other academic and administrative units in the University. Experience in the design and development of language testing materials, the statistical analysis of test scores, and the process of ongoing test validation is required.

The teaching load is 50% of the regular teaching load with generous support for junior faculty research. Applicants should have a PhD in Applied Linguistics, TESOL, Educational Measurement, or a related field, upon appointment. Appointments are for an initial period of four years with opportunities for renewal and advancement.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV, a writing sample, and a sample syllabus. Applicants should arrange for three referees to directly send recommendation letters by email. Application materials must be submitted to

For full consideration, all application documents should arrive by November 1, 2018.


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