Job Opportunity in Lebanon

By Unknown - September 24, 2018

Job Opportunity in Lebanon


Title: Mamdouha El-Sayed Bobst Visiting Professorship
Academic Title: Visiting Associate Professor/ Visiting Professor
Department: Economics

The Department of Economics at the American University of Beirut invites applications for the Mamdouha El-Sayed Bobst Visiting Professorship. We are seeking a scholar of senior standing in any field in Economics. The successful candidate is expected to serve as a role model in research, teaching, and service activities. Teaching responsibilities will include undergraduate and graduate courses.

We seek candidates who are committed to excellence in research, teaching, training of students, and institutional service. The position is to begin August 15, 2019. The initial appointment is for one year. The language of instruction at AUB is English.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV, a statement of current research projects and future trajectory, a statement of teaching philosophy, and the names of three references to

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but for best consideration, please submit all required credentials by December 1, 2018.


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