Job Opportunity in Lebanon

By Unknown - September 24, 2018

Job Opportunity in Lebanon 


Title: Edward Said Chair of American Studies
Academic Title: Visiting Associate Professor/ Visiting Professor
Department: Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for American Studies and Research (CASAR)

The Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for American Studies and Research (CASAR) at the American University of Beirut announces its search for the 2019-20 Edward Said Chair of American Studies. (We also encourage inquiries about holding the position in AY2020-21). The current position is for one year, beginning on August 15, 2019, but it may be extended to two years at the discretion of the university. CASAR is an interdisciplinary research, academic and cultural center whose mission includes increasing understanding of the U.S. and the Americas in the Arab world. The center currently offers an undergraduate minor and an MA in transnational American Studies, sponsors speakers, produces cultural events and has historically hosted a bi-annual international conference. CASAR is funded by a generous endowment from the Alwaleed Foundation.

The Said Chair must have a distinguished scholarly, artistic or cultural/intellectual reputation in an area related to American Studies. Preferred qualifications include: a demonstrated engagement with disciplines and artistic and intellectual fields related to American Studies, a distinguished research profile or significant artistic and intellectual output related to American Studies, and an interest in transnational American Studies and the scholarly intersections of American and Middle East Studies. The area of expertise or artistic/intellectual field is open. An advanced university degree is preferred. The field of the degree is open. Outstanding candidates at the rank of full professor and advanced associate professor or the professional equivalent will be considered. The teaching load is 1/1, and the position entails a public presentation on candidate’s research and very little administrative work.

The Said Chair will teach undergraduate and graduate courses at CASAR and contribute to the intellectual life of the Center.

Interested applicants should send a statement of interest, a CV, and the names and e-addresses of three references to

To insure consideration, please submit materials by January 15, 2019.


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