Job Opportunity in Lebanon

By Unknown - July 05, 2018

Job Opportunity in Lebanon

Needed Consultancy Service for a Baseline Study

Intervention Sector(s):
Research & Studies
Application Deadline:
Monday, 16 July 2018
Contract Type:
Period of Employment
3 months
Job Location
Lebanon, Beirut
Working Area
Lebanon, Syria and Iraq
Salary Range:
> 3000 (USD)
Education Degree:
Masters Degree
Experience Requirements:
3 to 5 years
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language:

Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Contact Person Name: 
Eliana Mallouk
Contact Person Position: 
Senior EU grant & MEL officer
Contact Person Email: 
FDCD, Al Amal Association and Danmission (lead) have jointly designed this action called Interfaith and intercultural dialogue based on many years of cooperation and experiences within this exact field of expertise in the targeted countries of Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. The action, with the overall objective to contribute to cultural and religious pluralism, tolerance and peaceful coexistence in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, draws on the analysis and recommendations collected from local partners and key stakeholders which have identified a great need for supporting and enabling influential key actors – religious, political, community and professional leaders – for them to promote religious and cultural tolerance and dialogue at regional, national and local level.
The specific objective of the action is to enhance interfaith and intercultural understanding at local, national and regional level through empowerment of religious, political and civil society leaders, academics, media, opinion-makers as well as universities and religious institutions to promote dialogue and collaboration through local initiatives. Building on the exceptional networks and methods of FDCD (Syria and Lebanon) and Al Amal (Iraq), their integrity, outreach and capacity to establish safe spaces and dialogue, the action will bring the targeted leaders and opinion-makers together across their affiliations, build mutual trust and strengthen their capacities to be drivers of change in their respective communities and institutions. The action will facilitate the development of local initiatives on a grass-roots level mobilizing women, youth, minorities and people affected by conflict to promote social cohesion and peaceful coexistence. The key stakeholders are: 1) Religious institutions covering the Sunnite, Shia, Alawites, Druze as well as the Orthodox, Catholic, Maronite, Evangelical and Armenian Christian institutions. These institutions play a central role in reaching communities and influencing the public opinion on sectarian divide. The project has ensured their support through the close involvement of their representatives and year-long relationships; 2) Relevant central government agencies, including Ministries of Social Affairs and of Education, local authorities and municipalities are involved to secure their support, especially for the locally-driven initiatives; 3) Secular and religious academic and education institutions, 4) Professional bodies, institutions and social organizations of the targeted leaders; 5) Media companies influencing the narrative around “the other” and formation of negative stigmatisation of other communities, ethnicities and religions; 6) Community leaders, heads of families and tribes play a central part in the formation and maintaining of social norms and acceptable behaviors. This is of particular importance in rural areas and within the IDP communities; 7) Universities, local schools and community-based organizations play an important role in highlighting the local initiatives, hindering any resistance or fear from the communities as well as fostering local ownership, anchoring and sustainability.

Danmission is recruiting a consultant to conduct a baseline study. Interested candidates are to contact Ms. Eliana Mallouk to request the Terms of Reference that consists of a design for the project baseline which will take place in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq to establish a solid ground for outcome measurement and Evidence building of interventions.
contact details: - 03-818606

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